Friday, July 10, 2009

Quote "Grant me the serenity to accept things I can't change. Courage to change the things I can & Wisdom to know the difference."

I refer to the title above.

Got this quote from a colleague of mine and I found it very meaningful and can be related to everything in life. And in my case, I felt it had a close connection relating to my work environment.

Is it better to leave things as they are even when one knows that there is something wrong and one can fix it?

Is it okay to stand by wrong actions that results in foreseen negative consequences?

Should one that has the will to act righteous and responsibly not do what is right for those who can't defend or stand up to wrong?

I believe those who are strong to take right action have the responsibility to act on behalf of those who cannot and lead the way.

In this current unstable climate, I hope I do have the strength to stand up to such a belief, to live and stay strong and withstand challenges that lies ahead of me.

I tell myself 'Believe in thyself and thou shall overcome.'

Best Regards,

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